Thursday, November 6, 2008

FHE: Pumpkin Carving!

Here's some fun pumpkin carving pictures. Here's Kelton intensely working on his carving. I was cleaning out a closet, thus the crap in the background. It looks like he's in a closet or something.

Here's Avory going at it.
Brynn and Brig, finished results.
The little girls were so proud!

So here's were it got a little gross. You have to take puke pictures of the guts.
After we were all grossed out about getting the pumpkin guts that close to our mouth, Dave had to go and eat some of it. He's SO weird and gross!

And what FHE isn't complete without the treats, made by Brig! Yummy!

My Girls Get Away

These are just some fun pictures of me and my 3 best friends, Kati Morris, Crissy Spencer, and Kylee Wilcox. Every year for Crissy's birthday, we get away for a weekend at the beach.

This year the weather was SO beautiful! (Poor Kati got cut out of this picture!) I'm trying to take the picture and still be in it. haha!
Maybe it was a bit windy, that's all.

This picture is of me in my new long hair. I found a clip-in hair piece (Jessica Simpson) that gives me my dream long locks of hair! I'm so excited!