Monday, May 11, 2009

Canby Gator Grinder - Our "Sprint" Triathlon

This is my girl friend Sara Wilcox, who happened to kick my butt in the event! She's an awesome athlete who has worked really hard training this year. Last year I kicked her butt, however, she had just had a baby a few months prior. So I don't know if that counts! ha ha!
This is Dave and I with our brother-in-law, Troy Bolinger, who also participated this year. Dave had just come in off the finish line....that's why he looks more tired and less happy then me and Troy. We had been in for about an hour before Dave.

Dave is "THE MAN!" He took 2nd place in his age division this year. It is very competitive in this age bracket, so it's a big accomplishment!

These pictures are all out of order, cause I'm not the best blogger out there. I have yet to learn how to download my pictures so that they are uploaded in the right order. However, this is me and Dave...."team blue." haha...we didn't plan that!

Dave crossing the finish line.

Dave coming in off the bike ride.

Not a great picture of's the transition between the swim and the bike.

Me in the pool, before starting the race. Look! I'm smiling and not puking! We had great weather, and lots of fun with our friends. However, I think it's the last year for me! I get too much anxiety before's just not worth it! I'm glad it's over with!


Katie said...


Super Cooper said...

Good job!!That is so awesome that you do that together. I still hav'nt comitted to my triathalon.I have until sept. Chances are probably not good.
We miss ya:)