So I was cleaning my room today. Why is it that the last place I clean is my room? I don't know about anyone else, but as a mom, my room is the last place that I ever clean. It is the eternal dumping ground of the homeless items of my household. There are piles for DI, piles of papers that I'm not sure if I need to keep, old watch bands that I might use again, a screw that I found on the ground that I know as soon as I throw it away I'll find out what it goes to, a baby gift I've been meaning to get to my friend, a bra that I need to return to Walmart, books I intend to read some day, and many other miscellaneous things! Tell me others are like me!
Then there's the dust and spiderwebs! You could of written your name on my dresser, the dust was so thick! Gross...I know! But really; am I suppose to have time to clean this unseen area of the house? I should. I live in it. It should be my sanctuary. In some ways it is....My sanctuary from cleaning! However, Avory called me out on this fact the other day. She said, "Mom you make me clean my window seals, dressers and dust my room every Saturday, and look at your room! Why do
I have to do it if you don't!" Hum, I thought. Thus, today I cleaned my room. And thus the deep thought..."Where do dust bunnies come from?" I won't even tell you how many of those lived in my room!
I'm glad that Avory is doing a good job keeping you accountable. A genius already. Miss ya
After looking at the rest of your house and how spotless it constantly looks, I think you're allowed to write your name in your dresser. I believe it IS your sanctuary...from cleaning. You've gotta be tired of it...who blames you for not cleaning your room! NOT ME!
Isn't it funny how your bedroom seriously is the last thing you ever get too? I am the same way! My dad is visiting this week and every odd and end ended up in my bedroom....with the door CLOSED!
As for the dust bunny is a good one!
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